19th International Exhibition of Means for Provision of State Security
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!
Dear colleagues and friends!
Let me cordially welcome organizers,
participants and guests of 19th
International Exhibition of Means of State
Security Provision Interpolitex 2015 and
convey ardent and sincere greetings on
behalf of all those brave men and women,
who regardless of time combat techno-
geneous and natural disasters, on behalf of
Russian rescuers.
Present day world can not be pictured
without up-to-date technologies, without
electronics and robotics, which are becom-
ing more and more common in technical
equipment of bodies and agencies ensuring
the security of the Russian Federation.
Exhibition Interpolitex – this year held for
the 19th time – is directly targeted to fulfill-
ment of this task.
Today is hardly possible to overstress
the significance of the exhibition, which is
the unique congress and exhibition event of
federal status and importance. The exhibi-
tion ground traditionally becomes the place
of business communication, exchange of
ideas, and site for conclusion of mutually
beneficial contracts.
The exhibition offers to manufacturers
the possibility not only to demonstrate their
latest developments but to get acquainted
with up-to-date achievements in their field
of interest. Here suppliers and users of spe-
cial technical equipment and arms receive
efficient tools for solution of a broad range
of promotional and marketing tasks, market
monitoring and signing of business deals.
Due to successful solution of tasks put
before the exhibition, Interpolitex has won a
well deserved authority among domestic
and foreign experts as is evidenced by par-
ticipation in its work of our foreign col-
We hope that conferences, workshops,
business meetings held within the frame-
work of the exhibition business program will
greatly contribute to the development of
new scientific ideas in the sphere of cre-
ation of advanced models of armaments
and special technical equipment
Let me wish all the participants and
guests of the exhibition strong health and
wellbeing, efficient work, fruitful business
contacts, interesting ideas and projects and
mutually beneficial cooperation and
achievements in the field of development
and creation of advanced technical equip-
ment ensuring guaranteed security of our
Minister of the Russian Federation
for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination
of Consequences of Natural Disasters
V.A. Puchkov