XIX Международная выставка «Интерполитех –2015». Официальный каталог/Official catalogue - page 19

19th International Exhibition of Means for Provision of State Security
Participants, organizers and guests
of 19th International Exhibition
Interpolitex 2015
On behalf of Moscow Chamber of
Commerce and Industry I have pleasure to
welcome participants and guests of 19th
International Exhibition of Means of State
Security Provision “Interpolitex 2015”.
Interpolitex traditionally is the most pres-
tigious ground for demonstration of means
and facilities for ensuring national security –
its significance - especially under conditions
of the current global challenges, need for
increases in defensive power of the
Russian Federation - can hardly be overes-
timated. One of the most important aspects
of the show is the fact that all exhibition
events are supported by the Russian
Government and that there are rather great
opportunities for enterprises-exhibitors to
obtain government orders for implementa-
tion of Federal Target Programs.
Broad spectrum of the exhibition profile,
which includes military technical salon,
expositions of police systems and equip-
ment, unmanned vehicle systems, technical
systems and facilities for the state border
protection and security, security systems
and protection technologies makes it possi-
ble to cover almost all aspects of the activi-
ty in the sphere of security. I would like to
underline that the business program of the
exhibition is also an event of great signifi-
cance as it incorporates research-to-prac-
tice conferences and workshops for expert
discussions and live demonstration pro-
gram where one can get acquainted with
operatinal and combat capabilities of up-to-
date armaments and technical equipment.
Let me wish all the participants and
guests of the exhibition successful work,
implementation of their plans, mutually ben-
eficial contracts in the interests of Russia.
Senior Vice-President
of Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry
V.M. Platonov
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