XIX Международная выставка «Интерполитех –2015». Официальный каталог/Official catalogue - page 17

19th International Exhibition of Means for Provision of State Security
Dear participants and guests
of 19th International Exhibition of Means
of State Security Provision
“Interpolitex 2015!
Russian Engineering Union has pleas-
ure to welcome participants of one of the
largest international security forums organ-
ized by the Russian Federation..
Current course of our country directed
to technical re-equipment and moderniza-
tion of all equipment and systems of securi-
ty is based on strategy of formation and
realization of mechanisms of active national
policy of modernization of domestic
defence-industrial complex, оборонно-
промышленного комплекса, revival of the
technological leadership of Russia.
Given by the Interpolitex Exhibition pos-
sibility to hold a highly professional dialogue
of manufacturers and users is a real guar-
antee of competitive abilities of domestic
products, what undoubtedly influences the
investment attractiveness of the Russian
security industry.
I am sure the exhibition will become one
more confirmation of steady increase in
intrest to the latest domestic weapons,
means and systems of national security.
I wish you fruitful work, constructive and
breakthrough ideas, successes in our mutu-
al work for greater good of our country!
First Vice-President
of the Russian Engineering Union
First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma
of the Russian Federation Committee on Industry
V.V. Gutenev
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