XIX Международная выставка «Интерполитех –2015». Официальный каталог/Official catalogue - page 13

19th International Exhibition of Means for Provision of State Security
Dear exhibitors and guests!
On behalf of Federal Service for the
Execution of Sentences and in my personal
capacity I have pleasure to welcome partic-
ipants and guests of 19th International
Exhibition of Means of State Security
Provision “Interpolitex 2015”.
During all years of its existence the exhi-
bition has been and is one of the largest in
Russia unique discussion ground, which
provides all necessary conditions required
for the dialogue between business commu-
nity and national agencies ensuring the
security of the country and society in the
Under current conditions of dynamically
changing political situation it is impossible
to overestimate the importance and signifi-
cance of this forum.
Undoubtedly presented by the exhibitors
innovative solutions in this sphere will give
new momentum and perspective mutually
beneficial international economic coopera-
tion for the most efficient solution of the cur-
rent tasks in the field of territorial integrity
and stability of country and security of its
Let me wish all participants and guests
of the exhibition fruitful work and successes
in fulfillment of tasks in the sphere of nation-
al security.
Director of Federal Service
for the Execution of Sentences
G.A. Kornienko
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