Page 20 - Interpolitex-2020
P. 20


               12.30–13.30  Panel section: «Development and improvement of legislation
                           regarding the register Cossacks of the Russian Federation»
                           Organizer: Coordination Council of Non-Governmental Security Sphere
                           of Russia, Moscow District Cossack society
                           Venue: conference hall, 1st floor, pavilion 57 VDNH
               13.00–13.15  Signing of cooperation agreements on the development
                           of the National qualifications system
                           • with the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry;
                           • with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Moscow Region.
                           Organizer: Association «COUNTERCRIMINAL»
                           Venue: Atrium, 1st floor, pavilion 57 VDNH
               13.30–14.30  «National security» contest. Presentations of new technical solutions
                           Organizer: CJSC Exhibition Companies Group BIZON
                           Venue: Atrium, 1st floor, pavilion 57 VDNH
               13.45–14.45  Panel section: «Safe entrance»
                           Organizer: Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Association
                           of Enterprises of Technical Security Systems
                           Venue: conference hall, 1st floor, pavilion 57 VDNH
               15.00–15.45  Panel section: «Information security of children and youth 2020.
                           Current challenges and threats»
                           Organizer: media Council of Coordination Council of Non-
                           Governmental Security Sphere of Russia
                           Venue: conference hall, 1st floor, pavilion 57 VDNH
               15.00–17.00  Panel section: «Remote security services. Forms and methods
                           of providing security and legal support services remotely»
                           Participants: representatives of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce
                           and Industry, All-Russian public organization «The Right to Arms»,
                           Federal Coordination Center of the Heads of Guard Structures,
                           law offices and legal organizations
                           Organizers: Coordination Council of Non-Governmental Security
                           Sphere of Russia, All-Russian public organization «The Right to Arms»
                           Venue: Atrium, 1st floor, pavilion 57 VDNH
                           18.00  End of the second day of the exhibition

                22 OCTOBER (THURSDAY)
                           09.00  Beginning of exhibtion work
               10.00–11.00  «National security» contest. Presentations of new technical solutions
                           Organizer: CJSC Exhibition Companies Group BIZON
                           Venue: conference hall, 1st floor, pavilion 57 VDNH
               10.00–11.00  Round table disussion «Implementation of socially significant
                           and state security programs in Moscow» of the Public Association
                           of Law Enforcement Activities «Safe Capital»

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