Page 19 - Interpolitex-2020
P. 19


              14.30–15.30  Advanced technologies forum SayFuture: Moscow
                         Presentations of new security technologies
                         Organizer: CJSC Exhibition Companies Group BIZON
                         Venue: Atrium, 1st floor, pavilion 57 VDNH
              15.45–16.45  Panel section: «Practical activities of private security organizations
                         of the city of Moscow in the field of protection of social infrastructure
                         facilities and entities. Special features of medical and other
                         organizations of the capital protection during the period
                         of complication of the epidemiological situation»
                         Organizers: Coordination Council of Non-Governmental Security
                         Sphere of Russia, Regional Industry Association of Employers
                         «»Federal Coordination Center «Moscow»
                         Venue: Atrium, 1st floor, pavilion 57 VDNH
              15.30–17.00  Round table discussion «Technical means and technologies of security
                         provision in emergency situations»
                         Organizer: All-Russian Research Institute for Civil Defence
                         of the EMERCOM of Russia
                         Venue: conference hall, 1st floor, pavilion 57 VDNH
                          18.00  End of the first day of the exhibition

              21 OCTOBER (WEDNESDAY)
                          09.00  Beginning of exhibtion work
              10.00–11.00  Meeting of the Committee on complex security provision at national
                         industrial enterprises of the Association «The League of Assistance
                         for Defense Enterprises of Russia» on the topic: «Integrated approach
                         to security provision of critical information infrastructure facilities
                         of national industrial enterprises»
                         Organizers: Association «The League of Assistance for Defense
                         Enterprises of Russia», Union of machine engineers of Russia
                         Venue: conference hall, 1st floor, pavilion 57 VDNH
              10.00–12.00  «National security» contest. Presentations of new technical solutions
                         Organizer: CJSC Exhibition Companies Group BIZON
                         Venue: Atrium, 1st floor, pavilion 57 VDNH
              11.15–12.15  Joint field meeting of the SPK Antiterror (national Council for
                         professional qualifications under the President of the Russian
                         Organizer: Association «COUNTERCRIMINAL»
                         Venue: conference hall, 1st floor, pavilion 57 VDNH
              12.30–13.00  Presentation of the first project of the professional standard in the
                         sphere of anti-terrorist security in the Russian Federation «Specialist
                         responsible for counter-terrorist protection of the facility (territory)».
                         Organizer: Association «COUNTERCRIMINAL»
                         Venue: Atrium, 1st floor, pavilion 57 VDNH

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