sioning of personal body armor and protective
material, active defense, special weapons, screen-
ing, detecting and forensic equipment, non-lethal
weapons, special vehicles, road traffic control
equipment, communication facilities and systems,
communications monitoring and data security facil-
ities, protection and surveillance technology, spe-
cial engineering facilities, criminal explosion con-
trol facilities, federal and regional data banks for
search, detection and forensic purposes, special
equipment testing, federal certification and cata-
loging, ensuring the uniformity of measurements,
distribution of engineering products and experi-
ence of its application in the law enforcement
agencies of the Russian Federation and the internal
security troops of the Russian Ministry of the
Interior. For the purpose of developing unique
competitive products, the Agency is involved in
cooperation with various departments and organi-
zations of the Russian Federation: the Russian
Academy of Sciences, the “Rosatom” group of
companies, the Ministry of Defense, the Federal
Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation, the
Federal Security Service and others. The Agency
pays particular attention to international collabo-
ration with police centers and leading foreign com-
panies engaged in research and development
activities in the field of special equipment and
ammunition. A long-term experience has allowed
the Agency to provide effective re-equipment of
departments of the Russian Ministry of the Interior
and the internal security troops with modern spe-
cial equipment meeting the high international stan-
dards. The Agency has a number of branches
located in Kaluga, Nizhny Novgorod,
Novosibirsk, and the scientific and technical divi-
sion in the city of Rostov-on-Don.
Стенд 2H1, 2H2, 2H3, 2F7-2
Стрелец, ООО
Россия, 197342, ã. Санêт-Петербóрã,
óл. Сердобольсêая, д. 65
Стенд 2C3-2
Россия, 123610, ã. Мосêва,
Краснопресненсêая наб., д. 12, офис 802А
Tel.: +7 (495) 258-15-24
Fax: +7 (495) 258-15-26
Стенд 1C2-3
Техêрим, ЗАО
Techcrim JSC
Россия, 426063, Удмóртсêая Респóблиêа,
ã. Ижевсê, пос. Гольянсêий, д. 8
Tel.: +7 (3412) 66-12-04
Fax: +7 (3412) 66-12-04
ЗАО «Техêрим» производит:
- ãазовые баллоны;
- травматичесêие, охотничьи и нарезные патро-
- испытательные патроны.
Продóêция продается на территории РФ, СНГ и
др. стран.
Techcrim JSC produces:
- pepper sprays;
- Traumatic, hunting and rifled cartridges;
- Test cartridges.
The products are sold in Russia, CIS and others
Стенд 2A2-2
ТехСистемС, ООО
Россия, 105203, ã. Мосêва,
óл. Парêовая 16-я, д. 5
Стенд 1G10-16
19th International Exhibition of Means for Provision of State Security