Suzhou Spruce Renewable Energy
Technology, Inc.
NO.260, Lvliang Shan Road, Suzhou, 215153,
People's Republic of China
Tel.: +86 (512) 13-511-637-881
Fax: +86 (512) 80-991-296
SPRUCE has gained "Foreign research and devel-
opment institutions in Jiangsu province", "high-tech
enterprise", "Suzhou flexible thin film solar cell
engineering technology research center" and other
honorary titles.
The flexible, lightweight PV products made in
SPRUCE have the advantages of portability, fold-
ing, uneasily broken and outstanding low light per-
formance, are playing an important role in many
solar power application fields. Company plans
that Capacity will be up to 20 mw in five years and
remains the leading position in flexible, lightweight
amorphous silicon thin film PV industry.
Стенд 1E7-5
Средне-Невсêий сóдостроительный
завод, Отêрытое аêционерное
Sredne-Nevsky Shipbuilding Plant,
Joint Stock Company
Россия, 196643, ã. Санêт-Петербóрã,
óл. Заводсêая, д. 10
Tel.: +7 (812) 648-30-50
Fax: +7 (812) 648-30-70
Спорт-проеêт, ООО
Россия, ã. Мосêва, óл. Ленинсêая Слобода,
д. 26, êорп. БС Омеãа-2, стр. А, офис 402
Tel./Fax: +7 (495) 665-20-42
Стенд 1B5-3
Россия, 125319, ã. Мосêва, óл. Усиевича, д. 5
Tel.: +7 (495) 223-62-22
Fax: +7 (495) 974-90-77
Производство средств защиты информации и
техниêи для проведения оперативно-розысêных
мероприятий. Спецпроверêи, спец. исследова-
ния. Учебный центр.
Suritel, an ISO 9001 certified company, develops
and manufactures devices for Technical
Surveillance Counter-Measures and covert
audio&video surveillance equipment.
Стенд 1G10-2, 1F10-6
ГК Стилсофт
Россия, 355000, ã. Ставрополь,
óл. Васильêовая, д. 29
Tel.: +8 (8652) 52-44-44
Fax: +8 (8652) 52-88-88
Стенд 1D7-1
19th International Exhibition of Means for Provision of State Security