Page 11 - Interpolitex-2019
P. 11


              Director of the Federal Service of
              National Guard Troops of the Russian
              Federation – commander-in-chief
              National Guard Troops of the Russian
              Federation General of the Army
              V. Zolotov

              Dear participants and guests of the Exhibition!
                This year, the Federal Service of National Guard Troops of the Russian
              Federation traditionally acts as co-organizer of the 23rd International
              Exhibition of Means of Provision of State Security “Interpolitex 2019”
              (October 22–25, 2019) — one of the key industry platforms representing
              the  latest  achievements  of  Russian  and  foreign  experts  in  the  field
              of arms production, military and special equipment for law enforcement
              agencies and special services.
                The  vast  geography  of  the  countries  participating  in  the  event
              contributes  to  the  strengthening  of  military-technical  cooperation
              between  Russia  and  foreign  countries,  strengthens  the  consolidation
              of power structures and enterprises of the military-industrial complex
              in  order  to  protect  law  and  order  and  counter  crime,  including
              international terrorism and extremism.
                For the expert and scientific communities, it is important to note the
              importance  of  the  Professional  Business  Forum ‘Say  Future:  Security’,
              which reflects the most pressing issues of the material and technical
              equipment of various government departments. A competent dialogue
              on the formation of the state defence order, the development of science
              and  technology  will  significantly  contribute  to  improving  the  public
              security system.
                At the exposition of the Russian Federal Service of National Guard
              Troops will be presented new and modified samples of already tested
              military  equipment,  technical  security  equipment  and  elements
              of combat equipment, which will be implemented for the national guard
              troops of the Russian Federation in the nearest future.
                I am sure that Interpolitex-2019 will open up additional opportunities
              for  interaction  between  law  enforcement  agencies  and  the  defence
              industrial complex, and will help to solve the problems of strengthening
              the rule of law and protecting citizens as efficiently as possible.

                I wish all the participants and guests of the Exhibition fruitful and
              constructive work, strengthening of existing business contacts and ties
              and achievement of all their goals!

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