Page 21 - Interpolitex-2023
P. 21


                                      FOR THE MEDAL
                                      “GUARANTEE OF QUALITY
                                      AND SAFETY” OF THE CONTEST
                                      “NATI0NAL SECURITY:

                        The present regulation sets an order of awarding with medal GUARANTEE OF QUALITY AND
                        SAFETY  of  participants  of  the  exhibitions  in  the  framework  of  which  the  NATIONAL
                        SECURITY contest is held. A list of exhibitions for the current year can be found in General
                        Regulations of this contest.
                        The medal GUARANTEE OF QUALITY AND SAFETY is awarded to the winners of the contest
                        that  is  held  in  the  framework  of  the  specialized  exhibitions. The  basis  for  the  award  is
                        the protocol of the contest committee of the specialized exhibition.
                        The  medal  ’GUARANTEE  OF  QUALITY  AND  SAFETY  has  only  one  degree.  The  medal  is
                        awarded  to  products  (technologies,  services),  companies  (organizations)  and  individuals.
                        The winners  of  the  contest  receive  medal  GUARANTEE  OF  QUALITY  AND  SAFETY  and
                        a Diploma  of  the  exhibition,  A  Diploma  confirms  the  rights  of  ownership  on  the  medal
                        GUARANTEE  OF  QUALITY  AND  SAFETY  and  use  of  its  logo  and  labels  of  the  awarded
                        products with obligatory indication of the year the product was awarded.

                         A DESCRIPTION OF THE MEDAL
                         GUARANTEE OF QUALITY AND SAFETY
                        The medal GUARANTEE OF QUALITY AND SAFETYis manufactured at Moscow Mint of  osznak
                        of Ministry of Finance of Russian Federation from the alloy of golden color and has a shape
                        of a circle 50 mm in diameter with prominent edging on both sides.
                        On the face side of the medal there is a relief image of the emblem of the International
                        magazine NATIONAL SECURITY containing a sword and a torch crossed on a shield as
                        a symbol of cooperation and safety, against a background of the giobe in a frame of oak leafs.
                        A prominent sign along the edges in Russian and duplicated in English, divided by five corner
                        stars — ГАРАНТИЯ КАЧЕСТВА И БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ — on top and GUARANTEE OF QUALITY
                        AND SAFETY — on the bottom.
                        On the back — a prominent sign in Russian and duplicated in English:: ОТ ВЫЖИВАНИЯ —
                        К РАЗВИТИЮ, ОТ УСПЕХА — К МОГУЩЕСТВУ —in the center on top and FROM SURVIVING —
                        TO DEVELOPMENT, FROM SUCCESS — TO POWER — in the center on the bottom, divided by
                        a relief stripe.
                        Along  the  edges  there  are  prominent  signs  —  NATIONAL  SECURITY —  on  top  and
                        НАЦИОНАЛЬНАЯ БЕЗОПАСНОСТЬ — on the bottom, divided by five corner stars.
                        The logo is a registered trademark. All rights reserved.

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