Российская Федерация, 129347, г. Москва,
ул. Палехская, д. 143
143, Palehskaya str., Moscow, 129347, Russia
+7 (499) 391 0755
+7 (499) 390 1764
Зал A Стенд A1-1
Mobile emergency illumination device « Light tower» is the
result of Russian invention, which enables to illuminate large
territories at absence of (or broken) power network. Lighting
tower is made of special fabric. This allows lifting the artificial
light source at sufficient height to provide bright lighting on the
large territories.
The light source is a high-pressure sodium lamp (metal-halide
lamp) with rated power of 600W and the luminous flux up to
90000Lm. The operational height of light source at the top of
fabric tower is up to 7m. The forced-draught fan fed by the
electric generator or the power net of 220V blows up the fabric
So, at absolute dark conditions the «Lighting tower» gives
possibility to light the territory about 10000 sq. m for less than
3 minutes. Mobile lighting is portable device. It can be
transported in the car boot. One person can operate the
Mobile lighting apparatus «Lighting tower» could be used for
lighting large territories in emergency situations such as natural
catastrophes, on mass-meetings and for night work in industry,
transport and construction in distant areas without using
expensive equipment and qualified personnel.