Dear colleagues!
On behalf of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Oversight of Russia
I’d like to greet the participants and guests of the 7th International Integrated Safety and Security 2014
In the situation when the level of depletion of the main production facilities, equipment and industrial
technical devices is very high, the concentration of production sites has increased and new hazardous
agents and technologies appear the integrated solution for protection of hazardous production,
construction and electric power facilities, employees of these facilities as well as population and
environment against industrial disasters is extremely important.
Rostechnadzor considers Integrated Safety and Security 2014 to be a reputable national level
discussion forum for exchange of views and ideas on solving of the specified issues, development of
methods and means of safety and security.
I am sure that this event will unite businessmen, official, social leaders, scientists and experts in order
to find the most effective ways to ensure security. It will let the specialist exchange the experience,
develop new solutions for actual problems, reach agreement in disputes, discuss suggestions for
elimination of excessive administrative barriers. The exhibition will contribute to the precaution of
emergency situations, environmental protection and protection of people their life and health.
I wish fruitful work, success in the professional activity well-being and health to all the participants
and guests of the conference!
Head of the Federal Service for Environmental,
Technological and Nuclear Oversight
A.V. Aleshin
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