XIX Международная выставка «Интерполитех –2015». Официальный каталог/Official catalogue - page 149

information – control system for monitoring the sit-
uation, situation centers, automated systems, sys-
tems and means of technical monitoring, including
the development and manufacture of mobile, sta-
tionary and portable radar, electro-optical, light-
ing systems.
Стенд 1E2-3
ЦМКБ «Алмаз», АО
Almaz Central Marine Design Bureau
Россия, 196128, ã. Санêт-Петербóрã,
óл. Варшавсêая, д. 50
Tel.: +7 (812) 373-83-00
Fax: +7 (812) 373-48-37
Стенд 1C8
ЦНИИ «Циêлон»
CRI "Cyclone"
Россия, 107497, ã. Мосêва,
Щелêовсêое шоссе, д. 77
Tel.: +7 (495) 460-48-00
Fax: +7 (495) 460-34-01
Стенд 1D3-1
ACS&HT "SNPO "Eleron", JSC
Россия, 115563, ã. Мосêва,
óл. Генерала Белова, д. 14
Tel.: +7 (495) 393-90-72
Fax: +7 (495) 393-91-63
Стенд 1B4
19th International Exhibition of Means for Provision of State Security
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