Международная выставка средств обеспечения безопасности государства «Интерполитех-2016». Официальный каталог - page 80

so proud that our product has been used for
National Dragon Bathyscaphs, UN Peacekeepers,
National Aerospace Customers and so on.
Currently, we have cooperated with Tsinghua
University, Harbin Institute of Technology, Ocean
University of China, National Oceanic
Administration, Chinese Academy of Science and
others for a long time and kept close relationship
with them on rope research and development,
which helped us to be the first grade rope supplier
globally, including Japan, Europe, America,
Africa, Southeast Asia & more than 30 countries
and regions.
Стенд 1E7-3
óл. Рябиновая, д. 45А, стр. 15, ã. Мосêва,
Россия, 121471
Tel.: +7 (495) 539-52-88
Fax: +7 (495) 735-38-57
Стенд 1A7-1
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. претворяет в жизнь
передовые идеи и внедряет инновационные
технолоãии, вдохновляя людей и формирóя бó-
дóщее потребительсêоãо рынêа в мире телеви-
зоров, смартфонов, носимых óстройств, план-
шетов, êамер, бытовых приборов, принтеров,
медицинсêих óстройств, сетевых систем, полó-
проводниêов и светодиодных решений. Компа-
ния таêже является одним из лидеров в области
развития инновационной индóстрии Интернета
вещей (Internet of Things) блаãодаря запóсêó на
рыноê отêрытой платформы SmartThings и ши-
роêоãо ряда óмных óстройств, а таêже аêтивно-
мó межиндóстриальномó сотрóдничествó. В 84
странах ó нас работают свыше 319 тысяч чело-
веê, а объем ãодовых продаж составляет 196
млрд долл. США. Чтобы óзнать о нас больше, а
таêже ознаêомиться с нашими последними но-
востями, тематичесêими статьями и пресс-мате-
риалами, посетите Samsung Newsroom
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. brings to live
advanced ideas and implements innovative tech-
nologies, inspiring people and shaping the future
of the consumer market in the world of TVs, smart-
phones, wearable devices, tablets, cameras, digi-
tal appliances, printers, medical equipment, net-
work systems, and semiconductor and LED solu-
tions. The company is also one of the leaders in the
development of the innovative Internet of Things
industry, in particular through the launch of the
open Smart Things platforms and a wide range of
smart devices, as well as active inter-industrial col-
laboration. We employ over 319,000 people
across 84 countries with annual sales of US $196
billion. To discover more, and for the latest news,
feature articles and press material, please visit the
Samsung Newsroom at news.samsung.com
Стенд 2E1-1
Shenzhen CXD Science & Technology
F/5, Building 9, Zhongguan Honghualing
Industrial South Park ||, 1213 Liuxian Ave,
Taoyuan Street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen
518055, China
Tel.: +86 (755) 8-3645-483; 83-281-200
Fax: +86 (755) 83-281-538
CXD was founded in June 2002. It mainly engages
in provision of wireless communication solutions as
well as R&D, production, sales and services for
advanced accessories. The products include audio
accessories, battery packs and chargers for most
world-class brand communication equipment and
apply to Public Safety, Navigation, Aviation,
Commercial and urban rail transport.
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