Эл № ФС77-47032) is information support of
major directions of military-technical cooperation
and work of defense-industrial sector of the
Russian Federation.
The Agency commands the wide and detailed cat-
alogue of weapons, armaments, military and spe-
cial technical equipment, which is available at the
Agency website
This website is being added to and updated all the
time, so please keep visiting it for updated infor-
Information agency “Arms of Russia” provides
wide integrated information and promotional sup-
port to the enterprises participating in the project
with the aim of improvement of the effectiveness of
realization of products manufactured by the enter-
prises of defence–industrial complex, their com-
petitive recovery on the current market, stimulation
of interest of potential buyers as well as sustaining
the brand image of the participating in the project
Information agency “Arms of Russia” is the infor-
mation partner of the largest international security
exhibitions as International Exhibition of Means of
State Security Provision INTERPOLITEX, as well as
of a great number of other exhibition events, held
in Russia and abroad.
Промышленный еженедельниê
(Объединенная промышленная
Industrial Weekly
(United industrial edition)
а/я 29, ã. Мосêва, Россия, 123104
Tel.: +7 (495) 729-39-77
Fax: +7 (495) 729-39-77
Выходит с 2002 ãода. Обеспечивает россий-
сêие предприятия объеêтивной, взвешенной,
оперативной и аналитичесêой эêономичесêой
Industrial Weekly has been in circulation since
2002 and has become a multi-purpose inter-
industry platform for Russian industrialists and gov-
ernment representatives.
Стенд 1H12-3
SecurityMedia Rus
óл. Удальцова, д. 73, офис 1, ã. Мосêва,
Россия, 119454
Tel.: +7 (495) 797-35-96
Fax: +7 (499) 431-20-65
ведóщий медиаоператор в сфере обеспечения
êомплеêсной безопасности и антитеррористи-
чесêой защищенности объеêтов стратеãичесêих
отраслей эêономиêи России. Медиа проеêты
имеют четêóю отраслевóю направленность и
высоêопрофессиональнóю целевóю аóдиторию
ТОП-менеджеров и специалистов по безопас-
ности : 1.«Транспортная безопасность и техно-
лоãии». 2.«Безопасность объеêтов ТЭК». 3.«Бе-
зопасность зданий и соорóжений». 4.«Проти-
вопожарная защита. Пожарная автоматиêа.
Средства спасения».
Орãанизатор êлючевых отраслевых мероприя-
тий и êонференций.
SecurityMedia Rus (15 years) is only media oper-
ator in the field of security of strategic sectors of
Russian economy. Our media projects have a clear
professional orientation and the target audience:
1. "Transport security and technologies".
2. "Security & Safety of Energy Facilities"
3. "Security & Safety of Buildings and Structures”.
4. "Fire protection. Fire automatics. Means of
Rescue".Organizer of key industry events and con-
Стенд 1D4-1
20th International Exhibition of Means for Provision of State Security